Follow Videojug's professional experts as they direct. Well look no further than this guide on How To Face Paint The Princess. Have you ever wanted to get good at face painting. Again using the small brush and black face paint add stripes on the. Step 2: Use a small brush and light green face paint and draw the leaves around the stem. Use a small brush and brown face paint to make a stem.

Step 1: Using a medium brush, make a circle with orange face paint on the cheek for the pumpkin. See more ideas about face painting, body painting, face painting designs.Pumpkin Face Painting Tutorial. Ask QuestionExplore Susie Powers's board "indian facepaint" on Pinterest. Step 3: Pink Heart Then, I drew a neon pink heart in the middle of the tiara using neon pink paint. Step 2: For the Eyes Next, for my eyes, I used Urban Decay Electric Shadow in Urban and used some white paint over it for highlights. Princess face paint Step 1: Yellow Tiara First, I used yellow paint to create the shape of a princess tiara.